Friday, 4 April 2014

IDC-4U Hector Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique Assignment

Programmatic Music in the Romantic Era

Your Task:

  1. Choose
    1. A movement from “Symphonie Fantastique” by Hector Berlioz
    2. Images that represent the “programme” and story telling aspects of that movement (use high resolution royalty free images where possible)
    3. Each time the “idée fixe” appears, you must use an appropriate image of to represent it.

  1. Using video editing software or slide presentation software, make a multi-media project that incorporates the music and imagery together to visually tell the story of the programmatic piece.

  1. All visuals must reflect the music as it changes .  (i.e. When the “scene” changes in the music, the visuals must change to represent the new imagery)

  1. Begin your presentation with a short biography on the composer, explaining his legacy and important contributions to music and the details of the movement you chose.  Collaborate with your classmates on the bio/legacy/contributions portion of the presentation and divide the information.

Due Tuesday, April 22, 2014

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